Hi there!

In the interests of transparency and full disclosure, please take a read of my book review policy.

* I read ROMANCE novels! You heard me, ROMANCE! I will read almost any novel if it has a strong romantic theme running through it. I devour most forms of romance including historical, contemporary, m/m, sports and suspense (together with any mixing of these). If you came here for non-fiction you are going to be really disappointed. If you want to find new romance authors to love, stick around and scroll through!

* I mostly get my books from Amazon straight to my phone. I love the kindle app and am frequently found reading when I shouldn't be (I have no regrets)! 

* I also buy books from iBooks and my local retailers. I would have to say that I do this when I know a book will be in store (romance authors are sorely under represented in South African book stores) and when I have been reading the author for a while. Buying a paperback or a hardback (which can be twice as much as a virtual version) is just my little way of showing more support to a well-read author of mine.

* I have signed up for a number of ARCs (advance reader copies) of books and will let you know if a book I'm reading was provided in advance of publishing and in exchange for an honest review. I am happy to accept ARCs and feel free to contact me on if you would like me to read something you've written. I am not averse to trying something new so don't be shy!

* Reviews will appear on this site and goodreads as and when I write them. I track my progress as I read books on goodreads so feel free to go here to see my profile and become friends!

If you have any questions and queries email me!


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