Tuesday 27 February 2018

Off the Shelf: Forsaken by JR Gray

Please note that this book was provided for free by the author's publishing PR in exchange for an honest review. Feel free to check out my full book review policy here for more details.

This book took me a little while to settle into- I read it during one of the busiest weekends of my life- but it still managed to get me hooked and ready for a sequel (please say you’re reading this J.R Gray?!)

First off, the fact that the author himself grew up in a cult-like environment made this story so much more meaningful to me. It made me feel like in reading about Titus and Angel I was getting a little glimpse into how his life could have gone. I just kept imagining how much such an upbringing could affect someone and I was really glad he made it out and was able to share this story with us, even if it might not necessarily have been fully autobiographical.

Titus and Angel. Two more adorable and lovable characters I have never met! I really felt for Titus in the beginning when he met Angel and was immediately drawn to him but at the same time wasn’t at all aware of the fact that what he was feeling was attraction. Titus’s character was so unaffected, so innocent that I found myself falling for him right at the beginning. The fact that he was this tall, strong man who made things with his hands for a living obviously didn’t hurt but it was his openness and pure nature that had me desperate to see if he figured out how to balance the plans the Prophet had for him and the desires of his heart.

Angel. What a sassy, funny, loving character! I loved him from the first moment I read about his long hair and tall frame. More than anything I loved how patient and gentle he was with Titus and how he was aware that his actions could put pressure on Titus and make him do something he wasn’t ready for. It’s rare to read about characters who are so kind to one another and whose affection for one another practically leaps off the page.

The character of the Prophet was well written although I honestly expected him to be a bit more...well, more really. He sort of seemed more like a boogeyman than a person with any real power but that might have been in keeping with the author’s own experience and/or his desire to show that people only have as much power over us as we give them. I respect that even though I would have preferred a little more drama where the Prophet and the cult community was concerned.

I loved Paul, Titus’s brother and how calm, measured and considerate he was. I think he brought some much needed wisdom into Titus’s life and I am hoping for some sort of resolution to his own story soon (please Mr Gray, say you are reading this review?!)

Finally, the writing style was great, easy to sink into and humorous at times. That being said I was hoping for more steamy bits but was happy overall with how touching and well written this book was.

I gave it a well earned rating of: 4 I'm a big softy and this was right up my ally stars!

JR Gray (and his books) can be found here.


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