Thursday 26 April 2018

Off the Shelf : Rented Heart by Garrett Leigh

So this book had a bit of an unusual premise but I loved it so much! The story revolves around Liam, an ex surfer widower who is trying to deal with the loss of his husband while keeping the business they started together going, and Zac, a gentleman of the evening who has recently moved from London with his best friend to attempt to make a life for himself in the trade but away from the drugs and chaos that ensued.

The part that was a tad bit difficult for me to overcome was the fact that Zac was a rentboy. As an attorney I recalled studying morality and the fact that in England, prostitution isn't illegal, solicitation in public areas is. There's definitely something to be said for that approach to prostitution (there are many arguments for an against it) and that actually helped me accept Zac's job and get to the most important bits of the story - the romance that is!

The way Liam and Zac meet is adorable but also hilarious! Liam has just given up on trying to find entertainment at a club and is outside taking a breather and deciding whether or not to head back home when he is spotted by Zac. Zac knows he has to find a John that night or he's in trouble. The rent is due, food is running low and Jamie is bound to back soon needing something or other. He walks up to Liam with all the confidence his circumstances should deprive him of. When he is sure Liam is going home with him he casually throws out, "oh and by the way, its a hundred for the f***...three if you want to stay the night". That got a shocked laugh out of me I have to admit! I can't imagine what Liam felt!

Zac's first words to Liam were characteristic of his personality. He was very open and frank with Liam. I loved how despite being unwilling to give up his heart he still spent time with Liam and helped him heal. I also really loved how caring Zac was. I think people often think those who fall into or choose prostitution are heartless and unfeeling and Zac was far from that. He had a heart of gold, forgiving Jamie when his love of drugs overtook his common sense and taking the blame when his best friend's actions caused him to lose something that was becoming increasingly important to him.

Liam was also so lovely. His grief was palpable but he was so giving. He was a little obsessed with feeding Zac because it was kind of obvious the boy was always hungry. He wanted his ailing dad to stay in his lifelong home but also understood that they had to do the best for him and get him somewhere he could be looked after better. I loved how he was into design and really disliked the business side of his job and that he treated all his employees like family! I thought he was the perfect combination of dominant and caring and I just thought he and Zac were the perfect match!

There was sufficient angst, tons of drama and all the romance I could want (ok, I can always use more). I gave this book a well-earned 4 stars and will be coming back for more from this author. 

Visit his page here.


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